
Written by capnasty

Welcome to Issue 1, Volume V, marking four years and a half of CoN. To my horror, the celebrations around the world referred to the year 2000 as the start of the new millennium (some places even had it spelled wrong with just one `n'), that's because each millennium lasts 999 years, or something.

Oddly enough, after people had complained for way too long that they were spending way too much money to fix computers for the Y2K bug, when the new year rolled over and nothing happened, they were disappointed.

This issue is long overdue. I've been going through jobs, my faithful old Pentium, after years and years of troubles and memory failures and other evils, finally decided to die, I'm in the process of packing to move to a new place, as well as starting a new, permanent job that actually pays me enough. I've had the satisfying pleasure of writing resignation letters for both my jobs, and I am eager to start in a career that College prepared me for. At least, that's what they told me, when I was done.

Alan writes in regards to the last issue:

Funny issue, but not hillarious.Best part is the editor's comments.


This marks the end of this ultra-short editorial. If you are looking for someone to blame for the long delay, it's just me, as everyone else that usually contributes to this issue, sent their articles in time. I'm tired. Goodnight.
